We've been so busy taking Madison to the Dr. lately that I haven't had time to take new pictures or update the blog!
Our pediatrician recommended that we see an Allergist because Madison has been so sick with respiratory illness lately (she's averaging a sinus infection at least once a month & had had pneumonia five times). The allergist did a prick-test and took seven vials of blood to run some advanced tests on her immune system, blood cell counts and more allergies that they test by blood. The prick-test was 24 needle pricks on her back, each with a specific allergy (dust mites, cat hair, etc.) After the pricks were done, we had to wait 20 minutes to see if the skin would swell around each site. Madison is allergic to most of the tests: cat hair, dust mites, several types of grass and trees, hay, feathers used in feather pillows & down comforters, cockroaches (apparently these are common in older school-type buildings).
The allergist recommended that we try Nasonex nose spray & Zyrtec antihistamine daily. We also covered her pillow & mattress, got rid of unnecessary stuffed animals & blankets & are working on getting an air purifier for her room. Pulling the carpet out of her room is probably next on Willie's to-do list. We've been giving her those medications for a week & she still managed to get sick again. Her nose is constantly draining & she's so congested that she coughs all night. Before I could call the Allergist this morning to schedule another appointment (our follow-up wasn't scheduled until Mar 15th), they called me with her blood test results from last week. Her immune system & allergy tests were fine, but her white blood cell count is elevated which means she has an infection. SO...the CT Scan of her sinuses has been moved up. Since there is no way that Madison will stay still for the CT Scan, we're taking her to Children's Hospital where they will sedate her for the Scan. I'm waiting to hear back from the anesthesiologist to see if they can sedate her with these respiratory problems. They called earlier today to get her history & are supposed to call me back. It scares me that they think it's risky, but I'm glad they are being thorough. I'm sure they won't do it if poses any harm to Madison.
You guys are always in my prayers, especially Madison's health. Give her kisses for me.