Friday, November 13, 2009

Madison is 18 Months today!

And what a little warrior she is! Poor baby has bi-lateral bacterial pneumonia (both lungs) and a sinus infection on top of that. She had a cough/runny nose for about a week, but the fever just started yesterday morning. By 4pm yesterday her fever was 105.6 with Motrin, Tylenol & antibiotic. Ended up taking her to the ER at Children's Hospital in St. Louis. They were so nice & QUICK. They gave Madison an IV for fluids (she hadn't eaten or drank since 8am) and gave her an antibiotic thru the IV. That made a drastic improvement & we were home by 10pm. She is doing much better today. Eating & drinking & wanting to play this morning. She wore herself out though & is sleeping now. Still has a slight fever, which is to be expected. I'm so glad we have the weekend to relax & re-cooperate at home.

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