Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ear infection & pneumonia

So much has changed since my last post. Madison's fever spiked to 104.9 overnight on Sunday and we took her to her pediatrician Monday morning. He confirmed that her left ear was infected, but not enough of an infection to cause the 104.9 fever. He sent us over to Anderson Hospital to get a stat chest x-ray because he predicted pneumonia. He was right, they called me a few hours later to say she has lower right lobe pneumonia - which I understand has the pain equivilent of a collapsed lung & is what was causing her so much discomfort. The Dr gave her an antibiotic shot to help speed the process since the Amoxcillin from Sunday has not started working yet. She also had 3 viles of blood drawn yesterday to check her blood count levels, see if her immune system is working properly & also an allergy panel to rule out any allergies. The CBC blood count test is back already & is negative (which is good...all white & red cell counts look good). I'm still waiting to hear on the immune system & allergy panels tests. My Mom is staying with Madison today while Willie and I are working. She seems to be doing better & has the energy to play (which is huge since she had been sleeping since Saturday night!). I'll post updates once I know about the other test results.

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