Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Cards win the World Series!!!!

Madison picked markers over carving - whew!!

Opening her package from Papa & Jane (and very excited about the ghost!)

Halloween 2011 - our precious pirate

Monday, October 10, 2011

More Fall Fun...

We're having lots of fun this fall! Last week we went to Edwardsville Homecoming Parade, 1st Preschool Field Trip to the pumpkin farm (Madison got to ride the school bus!) & the Troy, IL circus on Friday night!!

Edwardsville Homecoming Parade...Madison, Haley & Allie ready to get some candy!!

Madison's first field trip - McGaugney Pumpkin Farm

Madison's class on their field trip

We're getting good at this picture taking thing!!

Straw maze

Getting buried in the corn

Tractor ride
