Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Fun

Fall fun at Eckerts last weekend. We rode rides, Madison rode a pony (and loved it!) and we took the wagon out to the orchard & picked our own apples. Madison's favorite thing that day - when the pony in front of her's kept stopping to go to the bathroom :)

Notice how good Madison is getting at having her picture taken....I think we're making progress!

Madison also got her hair cut this month. Just a few inches off the bottom & she did pretty good sitting in the chair by herself. Well, she did good until I got out my phone to act like I was texting so I could sneak a picture. The hairdresser, who obviously doesn't know how much Madison hates having her picture taken, says "Look at Mommy, she's going to take your picture!" Oh boy - that lady felt so bad after she said that. This blurry pic with Madison trying to grab my camera was the best shot I could get! Good thing we were almost done because it was all downhill after that. (This was before the apple orchard, so I'm still hopeful we're making progress!)

Other big news...we're going to Disney World!!! Spring Break 2012!!! Booked the trip last weekend. Madison is already talking about getting to meet Rapunzel!