Here are some pictures from Easter & a recent trip to the St Louis Zoo. She is old enough to know all the animals now & the elephants are her favorite. Ask her what an elephant does with it's nose & she'll swing her arm in the air like a trunk. We are going back to the Florida Beach House with friends in June - Madison is going to have so much fun this year!
She has learned so much since my last update:
*Knows all of her ABC's and loves singing the song - especially the "next time won't you sing with me" part & she can count to 10.
*Knows most of her colors (blue & black are tricky - she gets those mixed up)
*Loves airplanes, we'll be at the park with kids screaming & she will hear an airplane in the sky and look up for it. It doesn't take long for her to find it and say "I found it!"
*Knows the words to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Row Your Boat, No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed and many more. She must learn a lot at daycare b/c she will start singing songs that I didn't even know she had heard before.
*Knows that play-dough on the carpet makes Mommy "nervous"
*Madison is extremely shy around new people. She will warm up pretty quick, but is very silent until she is comfortable with new people or surroundings.
*We started swimming lessons at the YMCA last week. Willie was in the water with her and she didn't like it. Even though she clung to Willie the entire time & cried, she said she had fun & wanted to do it again. Some friends of ours have a pool & we swam again this past Sunday. She is getting used to the pool & will hopefully do better at lessons this week.
*We have stopped potty-training for now. She did great & used the potty for a few weeks, but then got too busy to care & stopped wanting to go.
*She loves My Little Pony, so we're going to have a My Little Pony theme birthday party. She also loves bubbles, Dora the Explorer, cupcakes, baby dolls, Princesses, Yo Gabba Gabba, play-dough, playing outside and Dum-Dum suckers (I'll admit that we use them to bribe her sometimes!)
She really does amaze us with all she knows. But with knowledge comes attitude. I'm hoping we hit the "terrible twos" early and that this is just a phase.