Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years Eve!!

A few updates on Madison:

She went 2 weeks without biting at daycare, but then she bit once yesterday. The worker watching her at the time didn't know about the vinegar, so it didn't get used. So we had an evening with no TV and she wasn't happy about that.

We haven't had to take Madison to the Dr in a few weeks. She has had a very runny nose & a bad cough at night, but Benadryl and the breathing machine seem to help. We're hoping it's a normal cold that will run it's course.

We had a great Christmas this year! We were able to spend Christmas Eve & Christmas morning at home and then went to Quincy to see my family that weekend. Madison really likes all of her new toys! We are enjoying our new Wii, Wii Fit and Guitar Hero guitar, drums & microphone. We got Madison a toy mic & guitar so she can play along with us.

Christmas morning.

Madison knows what to do with the breathing machine! I caught her in her room like this yesterday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

No biting (knock on wood)!

I debated on posting this report, but am pleased to report that Madison has not bit anyone since Tuesday! Daycare has vinegar & is prepared to use it, but she has been good so far! (Hopefully I will not jinx her good behavior by posting this!)
My sister gave us/Karma a Christmas ornament with a black lab a few years ago. Without being prompted, Madison pointed to that ornament yesterday & said "Karma". I'm really surprised that she remembers Karma. It's cute & sad at the same time.
My Christmas shopping & baking is officially done. Now I get to relax & enjoy the rest of the holiday season. Madison is going to be so much fun this year - we're really looking forward to it! She got to open a few presents early this week. Grandpa McArtor & Andrea sent us gifts & we let Madison open them.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Madison is 19 months, going on 13

WOW! Willie and I are exhausted from the attitude Madison had today. She is still biting & scratching other kids at daycare and loves to tell us "NO". We have tried biting her back (she just laughs), time-out (she also thinks this is hilarious), no TV in the evenings (this might actually work - she was unhappy about not watching the Backyardigans tonight). Tomorrow I'm going to see if daycare will put vinegar on her tongue if she bites. (Don't think I'm cruel, it was my mother's idea!)

We have even tried to praise her good behavior by giving treats (M&M's & stickers) throughout the day if she is good. We're out of ideas & open to any suggestions! Even the Dr says that it is just a phase that she will grow out of, I just hope it's soon!

I feel the need to post a cute pic since I've told you how bad she has been lately.