A few updates on Madison:
She went 2 weeks without biting at daycare, but then she bit once yesterday. The worker watching her at the time didn't know about the vinegar, so it didn't get used. So we had an evening with no TV and she wasn't happy about that.
We haven't had to take Madison to the Dr in a few weeks. She has had a very runny nose & a bad cough at night, but Benadryl and the breathing machine seem to help. We're hoping it's a normal cold that will run it's course.
We had a great Christmas this year! We were able to spend Christmas Eve & Christmas morning at home and then went to Quincy to see my family that weekend. Madison really likes all of her new toys! We are enjoying our new Wii, Wii Fit and Guitar Hero guitar, drums & microphone. We got Madison a toy mic & guitar so she can play along with us.
Christmas morning.
Madison knows what to do with the breathing machine! I caught her in her room like this yesterday.