Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day

I borrowed this picture from Julie so you could see the McArtor resemblance in cousins Madison & Brooks Franklin. (Brooks will be 3 years old in February.)

Madison & I are spending the day at home today. The babysitter didn't want to try the snowy drive this morning, so Willie went to work and I stayed home. It is fun getting to play with Madison all day, but she is starting to wear me out. I think it's time for a nap!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Not much new to report from the McArtor house this week. Madison had the 24-hour flu bug on Monday. Luckily for Willie and I, she was sick while we were at work :) She was better by the time we got her home. Grandpa Ulm babysat last night so Willie and I could have a night out...that was nice!

Madison is pulling herself up on everything lately...even if it's not sturdy enough to support her.
I think Madison looks more like her cousin Brooks the older she gets...anyone else think so?

Showing off her 3 teeth.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's time to lower the mattress & remove the mobile! Madison is really pulling up these days!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Madison is 8 Months

Madison went for her tube check-up today. Dr. Fernandez says that her ears look great and we should keep up what we've been doing this last week. We haven't done much different except for keeping the water out of her ears (which is hard at bathtime since she's a splasher!). Our fingers are crossed that this will be the end of her ear infections.
Madison's hair is long enough for a ponytail now. Since Willie is the one who gets her ready in the morning, she probably won't wear one much during the week. He is very good with getting her dressed, but the ponytail & bow might be asking too much!! The babysitter likes to experiment with her hair, so I'm looking forward to some new styles.