Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years Eve!!

A few updates on Madison:

She went 2 weeks without biting at daycare, but then she bit once yesterday. The worker watching her at the time didn't know about the vinegar, so it didn't get used. So we had an evening with no TV and she wasn't happy about that.

We haven't had to take Madison to the Dr in a few weeks. She has had a very runny nose & a bad cough at night, but Benadryl and the breathing machine seem to help. We're hoping it's a normal cold that will run it's course.

We had a great Christmas this year! We were able to spend Christmas Eve & Christmas morning at home and then went to Quincy to see my family that weekend. Madison really likes all of her new toys! We are enjoying our new Wii, Wii Fit and Guitar Hero guitar, drums & microphone. We got Madison a toy mic & guitar so she can play along with us.

Christmas morning.

Madison knows what to do with the breathing machine! I caught her in her room like this yesterday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

No biting (knock on wood)!

I debated on posting this report, but am pleased to report that Madison has not bit anyone since Tuesday! Daycare has vinegar & is prepared to use it, but she has been good so far! (Hopefully I will not jinx her good behavior by posting this!)
My sister gave us/Karma a Christmas ornament with a black lab a few years ago. Without being prompted, Madison pointed to that ornament yesterday & said "Karma". I'm really surprised that she remembers Karma. It's cute & sad at the same time.
My Christmas shopping & baking is officially done. Now I get to relax & enjoy the rest of the holiday season. Madison is going to be so much fun this year - we're really looking forward to it! She got to open a few presents early this week. Grandpa McArtor & Andrea sent us gifts & we let Madison open them.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Madison is 19 months, going on 13

WOW! Willie and I are exhausted from the attitude Madison had today. She is still biting & scratching other kids at daycare and loves to tell us "NO". We have tried biting her back (she just laughs), time-out (she also thinks this is hilarious), no TV in the evenings (this might actually work - she was unhappy about not watching the Backyardigans tonight). Tomorrow I'm going to see if daycare will put vinegar on her tongue if she bites. (Don't think I'm cruel, it was my mother's idea!)

We have even tried to praise her good behavior by giving treats (M&M's & stickers) throughout the day if she is good. We're out of ideas & open to any suggestions! Even the Dr says that it is just a phase that she will grow out of, I just hope it's soon!

I feel the need to post a cute pic since I've told you how bad she has been lately.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend with family & friends. Visited the entire Ulm/Hull family in Quincy then headed north to see my Colorado friend & her family in Moline. It was the first time that Madison & her son Logan met - they had so much fun together!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

18 Month Stats

Madison had her 18-month Dr. appointment yesterday. 23 lbs .05 oz and 32 inches long. (She has gained 3 lbs & grown 3 1/2 inches since her 1 year appointment!) She is right on the 50% line for both height & weight - which the Dr was impressed with since she has been sick so much. Madison doesn't miss a meal though & usually has plenty of snacks in between. This week at daycare a little boy brought in a granola bar for breakfast. When he took his coat off he must have left a few crumbs behind. Daycare found Madison digging around in his coat on the coat rack - looking for some left over granola crumbs!

We are so amazed & proud of all the new things Madison is learning these days! I bought her a potty last week and she has used it several times. Even without being prompted, she'll tell us that she needs to go potty & will go in & use it. Such a big girl! She is picking up on more words everyday. Yesterday she said ketchup and remote. (If she doesn't like what we're watching on TV, she will either turn if off or pick up the remote & point it at the TV.)

We're headed up north this evening & looking forward to spending the weekend with friends & family. We'll stop at my Dad's tonight then spend Thursday night with my Mom. Then leave early Friday morning for Moline to see my Colorado friend Kelly & her family who are in Moline for Thanksgiving. We've got the car packed & a Backyardigans DVD ready for Madison in the back seat!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Madison update

Madison is doing much better this weekend. No fever since Friday morning & she played outside for awhile today. Poor girl was sick of being inside & it was 70 degrees today! Other than the cough, you would never know that she was sick.

On a side note - it is so hard not to buy her everything for Christmas this year! Last year she could care less if it was an empty box, but this year is going to be so much fun! We've already put together her play kitchen, drawing easel & mini table & chairs. I'm not allowing myself to buy anymore b/c we're out of room!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Madison is 18 Months today!

And what a little warrior she is! Poor baby has bi-lateral bacterial pneumonia (both lungs) and a sinus infection on top of that. She had a cough/runny nose for about a week, but the fever just started yesterday morning. By 4pm yesterday her fever was 105.6 with Motrin, Tylenol & antibiotic. Ended up taking her to the ER at Children's Hospital in St. Louis. They were so nice & QUICK. They gave Madison an IV for fluids (she hadn't eaten or drank since 8am) and gave her an antibiotic thru the IV. That made a drastic improvement & we were home by 10pm. She is doing much better today. Eating & drinking & wanting to play this morning. She wore herself out though & is sleeping now. Still has a slight fever, which is to be expected. I'm so glad we have the weekend to relax & re-cooperate at home.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

18 month pictures

Pictures this morning were rough. Madison did not want to have her picture taken & would not let Willie or I put her down. There were only 1-2 good pics, which made picture selection much easier! She was crying in most of the I said, it was rough!

Copyright Sears Photography

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Trick-or-treating was a success last night. We had pizza at our house before walking the neighborhood with friends. Madison was a cow & wanted to go door-to-door with the big kids. She wasn't too happy staying in her stroller, but would've tried to eat each piece of candy that would've made her choke. Tonight we're going to the Edwardsville Halloween parade. Hopefully Madison will enjoy the floats & won't mind sitting in her stroller.

Allie and her "best friend" Madison. This was about 3 hours past Madison's bed time & she was TIRED!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


We passed on the pumpkin farm yesterday, it was too cold and we had already visited a pumpkin farm with Aunt Emily in Kansas City a few weeks ago. However, we did go with some friends on their hayride last night. It was COLD! Madison could barely walk, but she stayed warm!!

In case anyone wondered...Madison does like pudding. But she only likes it when she can eat it by herself!

Madison likes her Saturday morning cartoons. Wonder Pets, Dora & The Backyardigans are her favorite right now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Madison is 17 months old today

Our baby is 30 days away from 18 months!! At times I couldn't wait for her to get older so she could interact more, but I really do miss the days when she would cuddle up and sleep on your chest for hours.

Now she's running around & biting all the kids at daycare. She has also bit me and thought it was funny when I bit her back. So we've moved on to time-out as a punishment. She knows it's wrong...she'll act like she's going to bite me and then stop and say "no ite-ing" (no biting).

Aunt Emily came to visit this past weekend and babysat Madison yesterday. Emily captured this picture after asking Madison "Where are your pumpkins?". Madison LOVES pumpkins. Our neighbor has giant inflatable pumpkins in their front yard which she'll point at and say "pumpkin". Madison has added some more new works to her vocabulary: Karma, cup, hot dog, yes, puppy, ball and Grandma (which sounds like "Am-Ahh"...sorry Grandpa - we're working on PaPa!). She has mastered an animal puzzle & knows there the different shaped blocks go.

This weekend we're going to the pumpkin patch and having a bonfire/hayride with neighbors. I hope to have good pictures to post next week.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend trip to KC

We went to Kansas City this weekend to visit Aunt Emily. We went to a pumpkin farm, ate some good food & went to the Kansas City Zoo this morning. Madison had a lot of fun & was worn out tonight.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a nice relaxing weekend with family & friends. My Mom came to visit and babysat Madison so Willie and I could go out Sunday night. Madison is learning something new everyday. She is learning more animal sounds & can do the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with her hands. She got a new pair of shoes & loves them. We let her play with a new baby stroller, but she keeps trying to get in it herself. The tag says "Not a toy - do not let a child sit in this stroller". I think we'll have to put it away until she gets a little older.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fun Summertime!

Madison had a blast hanging out with her friends on the boat yesterday. She is becoming one of the big kids - very cute but sad at the same time.
The kids miss each other now that we all changed day cares, it's cute to watch them with Madison.
My Dad came to visit today and Madison had fun playing with him at the park this morning.
Looking forward to Labor Day weekend!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Madison update

Madison has another sinus infection. We got another round of antibiotics since they didn't knock it out the first time. Her nose is still VERY snotty, but at least her eyes are not matted shut this time. On a more positive note...Madison is learning more & more each day and is getting so smart.

*She eats with a fork instead of her hands now - last night we had spaghetti and she was shoveling it in with the fork!

*When you ask "How big is Madison?" or "How much does Mommy/Daddy love you", she raises her hands above her head. (Willie taught her that with "Daddy", but it works just as well with "Mommy" - thanks Willie!)

*She knows where our hamper is & will take things in there if asked. She will climb up on the step to our tub, open the hamper, throw in a sock or whatever piece of clothing you give her, and slam the lid shut. (She flinches b/c she knows there is going to be a loud slam - it's so cute!)

*She is learning which puzzle pieces go in which spot and is more interested in reading books. Especially books that have objects she knows & can point out. Ball, bird, puppy, duck, shoes, socks, blanket.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Madison is sick again...

I feel like this is the title of all my posts...Madison is sick again. She started with a runny nose yesterday morning & continued with a nasty wet cough as the day went on. Fever was 103 before bed last night. I would like to think it is another sinus infection, but she didn't have a fever with it the last time. I'm home with her this morning & will be calling the Dr's office when they open at 8:30. Hopefully we can get her in this morning.

Kelly & Logan weren't able to visit this weekend - hopefully we can schedule another visit before the year is over. I'm anxious to see Madison & Logan play together since they are only 3 months apart.

Madison had fun on Saturday before she got sick. Her friend Haley turned 3 and had a birthday party with a pony! It was a horse actually - much larger than a pony! I wasn't able to get a picture, but Madison did sit on the saddle for about 5 seconds. She didn't know what to think and quickly wanted down. Haley got a Barbie Jeep and Madison loved riding around in it. She chased that Jeep all over until she finally got a ride. She also enjoyed playing in the sand with the big kids :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trying to corral Madison to take a bath. She thought it was fun to run from me, then "help" me take all the sandwich bags out of the box.

I have had several requests to update this blog. Time gets away from me in the evenings now that our schedule has changed. I have been slacking on the picture taking.
Madison is doing good with the new daycare. She had been crying when we dropped her off in the mornings, but that has stopped this week. She likes playing with all the kids her age & also likes the variety of food. Much better than when Mommy packed her lunch & sent the same thing every week! Madison was the victim of Nick (aka The Biter) today. Nick is a few weeks older than Madison and is known for biting other kids in the past. He got Madison good today - there are still teeth marks on her hand tonight.

We had Madsion's 15-month check-up this week. She weights 21lb, 5oz and is 30 1/2 inches tall. (50% for both). Her sinus infection has cleared and everything looks good. She had to get two shots and was not happy about either!

My friend Kelly & her 1 year old son Logan are coming from Colorado to stay with us this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing an old friend while watching Logan & Madison spend the weekend together. I'm sure we'll have plenty of pictures to post next week.

First day of daycare with her backpack......

Being a VERY messy eater...she found that putting food in her hair is hilarious!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1st day of Daycare

Madison did great today (so did I, I only called to check on her once!)!! She played well with the other kids and took a 2 hour nap. I love that they give me a paper everyday with everything she ate, every wet/dirty diaper, how long she napped, etc. Her previous daycare was in-home with only a few kids so she didn't have this. I love it!!

Madison's bed time has moved up since she is getting up earlier now. We don't get home until later since we're carpooling again, so we had less time to spend with her this evening. Instead of my normal 3 hours, I only got 1 1/2 which included dinner and bath time. When we win the lottery, maybe I'll get to spend more time each day with her. Guess you need to play the lottery if you have a chance of winning :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Last sick day at home...

Madison is doing 100% better. We went ahead and kept her home one more day just to be safe. She starts new daycare tomorrow, which I am a little nervous about. I'm sure she will do just fine with all the other kids her age and the different toys.

Madison is doing really well with learning new body parts. She knows her belly, arm, toes, eyes, nose and mouth. She also loves being outside. She will come get Willie or I by the finger & drag us the door. If we don't take her out, she throws a fit!

Where is your arm? Where is your nose?

Jordan watched Madison a few weeks ago while the adults were outside. Madison fell asleep with Jordan & Dalton rubbing her belly.